Community Service Projects
On Friday, May 21, the Caldwell County Rotary Club hosted a fundrasier at Liquid Roots in Lenoir, NC. Caldwell County Rotarians prepared and sold food to fund local schlorships. Liquid Roots, Hickory Falls, Blue Ridge Energy, Carsplus, and B&L Telphone were sponsers of the event. Kay and Patrick Crouch, along with Rick Cannon, provided music for the event.
If you attended the event and purchased a 50/50 ticket, the ticket drawn is shown above. Please contact Kent Spears at 828-381-9742 no later than June 5 to collect your prize.
Chris Cole, above right, treasurer for Caldwell County Rotary Club, presents a $2000 check to Julie Justice, above left, and Rebecca Hites, above center, for the Wig Bank of Caldwell County. Caldwell Rotary, along with Liquid Roots Brewing Project and several community sponsors, teamed together the raise the funds to support the Wig Bank.
Caldwell County Rotary Club members have secured a $1000 grant from Rotary District 7670. The funds have been donated to Yokefellow. The grant is part of a $25,000 grant from the Rotary International Foundation COVID-19 Disaster Grant that came to the District. Yokefellow will use grant funds to sustain supplies of food and clothing for distribution in the community. Using social distancing, and outside the new Yokefellow location in the former Kimbrell’s location, the grant funds were presented to Yokefellow executive director Sharon Harmon. Those pictured, left to right, President Kevin Miller, Secretary Charles Beck, Harmon, Treasurer Chris Cole, Rotarians Kay Crouch, Kent Spears, and Thomas Welch. Like many organizations, Caldwell Rotary continues to support our community by meeting electronically.
Caldwell County Rotary Club assists with community food project
Caldwell Rotary club members assisted on Saturday, February 22 with a local food bag project, which involves several community partners working together to provide weekend food bags for West Lenoir Elementary School
Shoe donations for residents of LEO’s shelter
Members of Caldwell County Rotary Club have purchased and donated 15 pairs of shoes for residents of LEO’s shelter.
Sharon Harmon, left, Director of LEO’s, accepted the shoes on behalf of the residents. She noted that LEO’s has a 40% success rate in assisting their residents in transitioning to more permanent housing.
Critical needs for the residents remain in child care and transportation. The Lenoir Emergency Outreach Shelter has been in operation since 2010 under the auspices of Yokefellow. Rotary President Kevin Miller, above right, made the presentation to Harmon.

Food Bags to assist students at West Lenoir Elementary
On October 26, 2019, members of Caldwell County Rotary Club assisted at West Lenoir Baptist Church with the delivery and unloading of food items that will be distributed to students via backpack for consumption at home during weekends.
Bob and Kate Esch (not pictured) are the local benefactors who volunteer and work with the Lenoir Aldi grocery store to collect the food items.
Delivery of food items to benefit students at West Lenoir Elementary
Members of Caldwell County Rotary Club periodically assist staff at West Lenoir School with the delivery of food items that are distributed to students via backpack for consumption at home during weekends. Bob and Kate Esch, local benefactors who volunteers at the school, work with the Lenoir Aldi grocery store to collect the food items.

This delivery included six pallets of food. About $6000 of food feeds the students on weekend for the full school year.
Rotarians involved in the food delivery from left to right: Kevin Miller, Seth Nagy, Kent Spears, Chris Cole, and Bill Sproul. Not pictured, but also assisting was Kent Greer.
September 30th, 2017
Members of the Caldwell County Rotary Club assisted with the transport and unloading of food for the West Lenoir Elementary School Weekend Food Partners program. The food items were picked up from Aldi and transported to West Lenoir Baptist Church. Kate Esch, along with husband Bob, coordinates the food partners program and assisted as well.